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The Chip Board Archive 18

Sure it is. Reread it, again,and note the key word


Yes, I mean ALL of the Americas.

Please do not forget that we're talking about an "official language" only.

Why do you feel we should have had English as an "official language" from day one...?


Messages In This Thread

most spectacular open. closing ceremonies ever
Agreed - I for one was very impressed
Re: Agreed - I for one was very impressed
Wow.. you got all that out of the Olympics? vbg
Re: Wow.. you got all that out of the Olympics? *v
Is disagree with you yet again John... grin
Do you actually believe you're going to see an ...
Why English Should Be The Official U.S. Language
Now tell the group why it isn't. vbg
Why iit isn't??? In one word ...
...and here I thought you wre going to tell us ...
Re: ...and here I thought you wre going to tell us
Just more proof that It'll take forever to write a
Nobody is proposing English only.
An "official language" of English, only ...
Most everyone will agree to that, but ...
Archie, I couldn't agree more!!
Very well said Archie. I couldn't agree more.
Re: Do you actually believe you're going to see an
I haven't defended illegals crossing our borders.
That's not what you originally said...
Sure it is. Reread it, again,and note the key word
grin My one and a half cents...
Re: Agreed - I for one was very impressed
I pitty the host of the next Olympics...
CHINA showed the world their happy, healthy and ..
Re: CHINA showed the world their happy, healthy an
Is it my imagination or...
Don't be fooled by what China WANTED US TO SEE
Will it ever be topped? NO.....
I see no reason why it should be "topped" you just like to argue or
I guess what I said went over your head.
Furthermore; the subject was about the ceremonies
Yeah, but their ceremonies owed a lot...
Re: Yeah, but their ceremonies owed a lot...
I agree, but would it have had anything to do with
Sorry. I thought you were saying what others were.
GEE BILL.... rofl rofl
silly me

Copyright 2022 David Spragg