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The Chip Board Archive 18

My one and a half cents/Jackpot Auctions...

...may experience a big increase. Hopefully, Jackpot will iron out the kinks and be up and running on a regular basis.

For the present, I have a personal PayPal account but I'm sure the next step will be automatic "upgrades" to the type of account that there's a fee if one sneezes.

Isn't there a monopoly law somewhere? The way I understand it, eBay will charge to run the auction, charge a final value fee, charge a transaction fee. It's like a tax on a tax.

Maybe if enough people write to eBay, they'll change their stand.

Messages In This Thread

eBay banning use of checks & M.O. in Oct.
If this is true, Thats it, I'M OUT!!!
I pay by check often too ! sad
Re: If this is true, Thats it, I'M OUT!!!
That is so WRONG !! Cornering the market
NCR...JMHO....Go Paypal!!!
Here is the eBay web page on it -- just got it
Re: eBay banning use of checks & M.O. in Oct.
Finally a great idea from EBay!!!
Leave it alone-as is!
I Like Paypal But This Is Unfair
Re: Why would you support this...
Re: eBay banning use of checks & M.O. in Oct.
Use caution accepting Propay?
Re: Use caution accepting Propay?
Re: eBay banning use of checks & M.O. in Oct.
My one and a half cents/Jackpot Auctions...

Copyright 2022 David Spragg