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The Chip Board Archive 18

Sorry to hear about the sellers loss

I do remember hearing that at the convention but it was tight lipped and I never shared that knowledge with anyone. Someone found that bag no doubt and even though times are tough you must resist the temptation and do the right thing and return it. If you are reading this then you can still make it right and send payment(s) to this seller. I would hope a member didnt do this and I have never seen anyone taking a chip off of a vendors table or a bargian bin (I would say something!) I personally know many of the sellers and this year I had time to sit down and chat with some that I didnt know and enjoyed their company.We go to the show for the people (at least I do) We have many honest, good people in our club and I would venture to say that we have a great deal MORE than many other clubs out there !! I dont know who the seller is but I am sorry to see this happen. John Reynolds LM 6920-223

Messages In This Thread

This has been on my mind since the convention
What receipts?
grin You know, the customer's copy.
Re: This has been on my mind since the convention
I agree
Re: This has been on my mind since the convention
Re: This has been on my mind since the convention
Re: This has been on my mind since the convention
Re: This has been on my mind since the convention
Here's a story from the convention ....
Re: Here's a story from the convention ....
Re: Here's a story from the convention ....
Re: This has been on my mind since the convention
Not to answer for Greg, as he may have...
Re: This has been on my mind since the convention
Check out ebay for cctv camera systems
Re: Check out ebay for cctv camera systems
Re: Check out ebay for cctv camera systems
Re: Check out ebay for cctv camera systems
Re: Check out ebay for cctv camera systems
DVRs can be a big part of the cost...
Doesn't the casino have surveillance in that room?
Re: Doesn't the casino have surveillance in that r
Regarding the safekeeping of cash on one's person
Sorry to hear about the sellers loss
Re: This has been on my mind since the convention
Fanny packs work well....
Fanny packs are no good...
$5000 in $100 bills...
Re: Fanny packs are no good...
Re: Fanny packs are no good...
If you are going to use a fanny pack...
I agree 100% with that Andy ...

Copyright 2022 David Spragg