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The Chip Board Archive 18

Does this stuff bother anyone else?

I am rather new to chip collecting...been at it about a year now (just sent in my membership form this week, Steve, you should be getting it in the next day or so). Like many of you, I got my start with buying on Ebay. I've made some good buys and some bad ones...I'm sure everyone can say that. But what bothers me is when people who "should" know better (i.e., people with high scores that you expect you can trust) make it tough on the newbies like me. For instance, take a look at this listing...

I can tell you there are a heck of a lot more than 2-3 of these out there -- I have 5 of them myself. And the book lists a PURPLE R-10, but this chip is lavender. Now perhaps his use of the word "impossible" means that he thinks it is impossible for there to only be 2-3 of these, so I am giving the seller the benefit of the doubt on that, but it still says RARE and "N-10", which I am guessing the seller means R-10. That chip is anything but an R-10.

Someone is bidding on this chip and giving way more than it is probably worth right now.

OK, I'm done venting. Your thoughts?

Messages In This Thread

Does this stuff bother anyone else?
It Bothers Me Too
Re: Does this stuff bother anyone else?
...and all from the same buyer!!!
Re: ...and all from the same buyer!!!
You are's been discussed
Re: You are's been discussed
Re: Does this stuff bother anyone else?
Remember One Thing About eBay...
FWIW-These hit Craig's List, Las Vegas and...
Re: FWIW-These hit Craig's List, Las Vegas and...
Glenn, I do not know any of the three...
Jim....My reply was a joke grin
As we debated this...
Re: I have the Purple one

Copyright 2022 David Spragg