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The Chip Board Archive 18

ccgtcc OTY Donors are now identified on-line...

My thanks to David Spragg, ccgtcc Webmaster for augmenting the Club's OTY page to reflect who donated which OTY winner to the Club's Permanent Collection of all past OTY Winners.

I would also like to thank each and everyone of the donors for their generous and thoughtful expressions of Club support.

Here is the link to the OTY page:

I encourage everyone to visit and see all the past winners and recognize those who have made donations to the Club in this endeavor.

Thanks again David!

Jim Follis
OTY Awards Chairman

(ps. The donor of the 2004 SSOTY remains blank until I resolve whether or not it was an "anonymous" donation.)

Messages In This Thread

ccgtcc OTY Donors are now identified on-line...
vbg Jim, One change, Trolly Stop Token was me
Brian, I'm away from my notes. I'll email you, but
I donated the Santa Fe.
Chuck, as noted in my second reply to Brian...
Brian, based on an older version...
vbg Thanks Jim vbg
Super, Thanks for the link Jim...

Copyright 2022 David Spragg