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The Chip Board Archive 18

Re: Why did you have to file a claim 4 times?

That's strange, especially if you provided evidence of value such as an invoice; sales receipt of some type of bill... or proof of payment such as the buyer's cancelled check or whatever.

I can see them asking for evidence of value if you weren't able to provide an invoice... but when you really think about it, if you purchase $100 worth of insurance and the goods cost the buyer $100, why shouldn't they make good on the $100 (or as in your case; a portion of)?

Glad to hear you finally recovered, though. I would have been upset, too.


Messages In This Thread

Mail to Vegas in 6 days???
Try Mexico: I mailed 2 postcards from Cancun to...
"no insurance again...when will I learn?"
Re: "no insurance again...when will I learn?"
Re: "no insurance again...when will I learn?"
Re: "no insurance again...when will I learn?"
Why did you have to file a claim 4 times?
Re: Why did you have to file a claim 4 times?
Re: Why did you have to file a claim 4 times?
Re: Why did you have to file a claim 4 times?

Copyright 2022 David Spragg