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The Chip Board Archive 18

Opinions wanted on illegal chip..

I just won this Roman Pools chip on ebay. The description says that one side is tan and the other is green. The auction only showed one side of the chip. Normally i would assume its faded but there is another two color Roman Pools chip listed in the Florida book that has one blue side and one pink side. Also to me the chip doesnt appear fadded from the picture. So what do yall think?? I will post good scans when i get the chip.

By the way, i got it cheap, gotta love when they use no key words in the auction vbg

Messages In This Thread

Opinions wanted on illegal chip..
Re:It Was....
maybe, maybe not
Gene is most definitely right .....
even though im shure he is
Re: even though im shure he is
Re: even though im shure he is
Well i got the chip today
Re: Well i got the chip today
Break it in half and see inside grin
thats funny
Re:I saw the winning .........
I'm still wondering how the inlay on your chip ...

Copyright 2022 David Spragg