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The Chip Board Archive 18

Update on Nancy Olson

I posted on here twice asking if anyone knew if Nancy Olson was OK. Nancy used to post frequently on the board and hadn't recently. Nancy collected chip with covered wagons, old vintage poker chip and, I guess, chips from Oregon and Washington (perhaps more). She and I had several trades/transactions over the years, and she helped me with Oregon casinos when I went to Newport several years ago. She has not posted on this board in some time, nor responded when I gave her credit in my Newport, Oregon report on this board late last year. So, I wondered if she was OK. I sent her an e-mail and no response, so I posted for the second time on this board to see if anyone knew if she was ok.

Well, I just received a response to my e-mail to Nancy and it turns out that she is just fine, but has not been chipping recently. I thought some would like to know that.

Michael Siskin

Messages In This Thread

Update on Nancy Olson
Thanks for the info Michael...
Thank You Michael.
grin Thanks for the Update, Michael grin

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