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The Chip Board Archive 18

California Collectors - Only

I am pleased to announce that Edition 4 of the Richard Edward Staeffler Memorial ‘California Card Room & Native American Gaming Chips and Tokens’ is now available due to the generous hosting by John Kallman on his web site. I wish to thank him for making this reference work available to any and all.

It is and has been a work of love and it is hoped it will add to the enjoyment of this hobby. It is not complete, nor will it ever be, but due to the efforts of many it should be a vast improvement over the previous Edition. I thank many but a special tip of the hat must go to ‘Butch’ Reynolds and GerogeD.

Many hundred scans have been added, may correction, additions and deletions made, indexes for the Fraternal section added, printing suggestions added and formatted for print, should you choose to do so.

You are free to download, print, distribute or whatever but it is requested that the headers remain in tact and that it not be distributed in any manner for profit. It is free and should remain free.

Edition 5 is currently in the works. See ya’ all next year.

or go to Greg’s opening map and click the State of California

Wishing all enough,
Dick Staeffler R-3828

Messages In This Thread

California Collectors - Only
Re: California Collectors - Only
Dick: Do you have any info about this chip?
Not a clue!
Oh well, thanks anyway.

Copyright 2022 David Spragg