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The Chip Board Archive 18

NCR: Can You/Should You Clean Tokens?

Darrell has left for another week on the road and I'm enjoying some quiet time playing with my "toys"!
I opened a box of $1 and $5 gaming tokens and have noticed that several have dark "goobers" stuck between the lettering, etc. Yuck!
Can I safely clean them and with what (ie: toothpaste, etc)?

Neat-freak inquiring minds want to know.... grin

Much thanks to all!


Messages In This Thread

NCR: Can You/Should You Clean Tokens?
Re: NCR: Can You/Should You Clean Tokens?
Thanks Don, That Helps Me Alot! grin
Re: After All Afternoon with a Toothbrush...
Re: Goobers??
Yah Ya Know Gomer's Cousin grin JK

Copyright 2022 David Spragg