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The Chip Board Archive 18

Will the economy effect chippin?

THIS RAMBLES ON A BIT-I am interested in other views also...

I was engaged in an interesting dscussion at lunch today-discussing the economy. Not a conversation of economists, but of working class folks who will have to make choices this summer and into the future. They have children, and all the traditional concerns most folks striving for the American dream do.

Obviously the cost of gas and how it effects everything, the cost of staples like milk, eggs and bread, vacations (if one could be afforded this year, or maybe staying closer to home. The discussion got around to funds available for hobbies, and other non essential activities (for the record I consider chippin to be essential-but kept that to myself).

All that leads me to this question; How will the economy effect the chip hobby?

We have all seen the last round of USPS changes significantly effect the cost of even simple trades. And another increase is on the horizon. The cost of gas effects the costs of almost everything- A person flying to Vegas is facing higher costs just getting here, those that rent, how much running around will they be doing?

Will chips be more expensive because of the cost of acquiring them? A quick rundown to Laughlin has doubled. Or will chips be less because of a diminished demand? With so many folks having to tighten their belts, will sellers be reducing their prices in order to generate the sales (kinda like Christmas season), sellers may need to liquidate because of belt tightening on their end. Will there be fewer dealers this year at the convention? I hope not, and I am sure that the folks working on that are doing everything in their power to insure a vast array of dealers. But will wehave the same level of attendance, what about walkins off the strip.

How many members are reducing their convention activities, their overall hobby activities. We see a lot of action this year above and beyond what we saw in the past to encourage members to stay at the Riv (the raffle, early entry, share a room). Only playing in one tournament rather than both, seeking out activities that are less expensive or free. Will we see impromptu trade sessions at the pool?

Actually, that maybe the beauty of trading over buying and selling. My Chicago riverboat chip for your reno chip are still a great way for both of us to get a chip not from our area. I suspect trade sessions formal or otherwise will be popular this year-both for the trading itself, and the social aspects. I also would not be surprised at increased attendance at the seminars. They are free, informative, usually entertaining, and certainly add value to the convention dollar.

I have not been visiting ebay much lately, but I can't help but suppose prices are down, more auctions aren't reaching min bids, certainly the added costs from feebay are having an effect.In the past, this is about the time when there are massive sale offs of chips, often below book, to bankroll the conventioneering. I haven't`noticed as much.

Will the economy lead to more casinos opening,closing, selling, buying,merging? Will this result in more chips (better chips?)? Which casinos may be most negatively affected by the economy? What areas? What could be the longterm effects onthe hobby? Will the price guide authors holdoff another year or two before bringing out a new edition (why hit the market when the market is weak?) Will the values listed be alterred based upon the economy?

Messages In This Thread

Will the economy effect chippin?
I believe I posed a number of questions. grin
CHARLES Absolutely
I seriously doubt Americans are willing to ...
Re: I seriously doubt Americans are willing to ...
I also doubt we will ever travel as Europeans do
Re: I also doubt we will ever travel as Europeans
Whatever the situation; let's hope it's short-term
Re: Will the economy effect chippin?
No doubt
Not from what I saw last week ...
Re: Not from what I saw last week ...
Hi Rick... great picture of Kaitlyn my best 2 all
thanks Steve!
will you be at get together on Sunday?

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