The Chip Board
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The Chip Board Archive 18

Thank you to everyone!

Thank you to everyone who responded by way of the chip board
or e-mail especially Bill Lange
There is someone else to thank, but I accidently deleted the e-mail
and his name is forgotten
I apoligize for that.
He is a Texas chipper who bought from me on ebay.
Thanks again for everyones kind words.
Kaitlyn is doing much better and is statring to walk.
Her Mother is another story.
Lori had another surgey last night and is shall we say "very uncomfortable"
I wont go into details but I have payments in the mail to whom I owe;
Thanks Again to all of you. Rick

Messages In This Thread

Thank you to everyone!
Re: Thank you to everyone!
grin Wishing your whole clan the best, Rick!! grin
You and the family are in our prayers, best wishes
I will hold your family in my thoughts and prayers

Copyright 2022 David Spragg