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The Chip Board Archive 18

Las Vegas Casino Ashtrays for trade for sale

I have some ash trays that I really do not collect. I have some pictures here....sorry for the quality, my good camera is at work...DOH!! I would trade for chips or dice or silverstikes.....or cash please make a offer!! Again sorry for the bad pictures......I will try better next time around!

The ashtray above has the Logos of the Silver Bird, Silver Nugget, and Silver City Casinos

The ashtray above is from Hotel Fremont,it is clear but kinda of a smokey or dark transparent

And the last one is from the MGM Grand, not sure how old it is.

I have some more I will be posting and I am hanging out in the chat room if anyone is bored on their sunday afternoon.

All you have to do to get into chat is click the link that says chat below my post, scroll down and the left side there is a text box, enter your friendly user name, thats how you will be identified in the chat room, and click "log in".....waaaalaaaaa you in there

Copyright 2022 David Spragg