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The Chip Board Archive 18

Good idea. I understand to some degree your point

on the overseas membership, however attending the national convention is just one of the many benefits to the club.

What about the Club Library, Mentor Program, Member Only Contests, Award Winning Magazine and the knowledge that many more people will be much more willing to trade with a member than one who is not.

This in no way means disrespect to a non club member, but I for one try and limit my trading to members only a I know they are bound to club standards and ethics that non members are not. Now I am not saying non members cant be trusted, but I am saying that if anything goes wrong, you have recourse with a club member.

Thanks again and happy chipping,

Messages In This Thread

Change to names when posting new comments
vbg vbg vbg
vbg Ok just in case there is any confusion.
vbg I agree!! vbg
Re: Change to names when posting new comments
Scott, Not to rain on your parade, but wouldnt it
Re: Scott, Not to rain on your parade, but wouldnt
Welcome to the club Chris !!!!!!!
vbg Welcome to the club Chris !!!!!!!
Welcome to the club Chris !!!!!!!
Congratulations Chris - and welcome! grin
Welcome to our group!
rofl Shoop, Stop playing with those chips!!! grin
Chris, what do you collect?
Re: Chris, what do you collect?
Chris, I collect $1 chips too
grin Welcome to the Club, Chris! grin
Chris Dahl
I'm currently not a club mumber
Good idea. I understand to some degree your point
I see your point but...
Scott, I understand your position and mearly
Re: Good idea. I understand to some degree your po
Sorry, but I'm not buying that thinking, Doug. grin
John, I am sorry you feel that way as I feel it
Doug... you know full well I'm aware of
Re: Scott, Not to rain on your parade, but wouldnt
John, I never said that. However I do feel its

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