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The Chip Board Archive 18


A little turtle climbed a tree very slowly, very painfully. Then she crawled along a branch, to the very end, and when she finally gets to thge, she jumped, falling to the ground. But she didn't get discouraged.

She walked up to the tree, climbed it again; crawled along the branch; gotsto the edge, jumped. and fell to the ground.

Again, with a stubborn look in her face, the little turtle walked slowly to the tree, climbed it; crawled along the branch and when she got to the edge, she jumpeds and fell to the ground..

In a nearby tree a couple of pigeons were looking at the little turtle while she walked, climbed, crawled, jumped. and fell, over and over again.

After a while one of the pigeons ask the other, "Hey honey, don't you think its time we tell her that she's adopted?"

Source: Bill Rayburn, Punch Line, 3/28/08

Copyright 2022 David Spragg