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The Chip Board Archive 18

April 13 Midwest Chippers rofl

Walk in the footprints of Johnny Depp!
Right this very minute Johnny Depp and all of Hollywood is filming the Dillinger Public Enemy movie in Crown Point, right down the street from the site of the April 13 Midwest Chippers get together at the Conservative Cafe, 201 N. Main Street, Crown Point, IN. The jail Dillinger escaped from with the soap gun is still there in Crown Point, just like it was, 3 blocks from the Midwest Meeting Site. There is nothing stopping you from marching yourself 3 blocks south and reliving history.

In addition to the fun and games and chips and slot cards and funky stuff, YOU COULD BE DISCOVERED by Hollywood. This could be your ticket out. You will be living the high life and attending the Oscars and dining with Reese Witherspoon and staying in Robert DeNiro's guest house.

Notwithstanding that the filming is scheduled to be done by April 13, what if they have to come back for a re-take? What if they need extras -- who better than the likes of us? Who wants a speaking part? When the casting director comes for us we can put our chips away and use the room for hair and make-up.

I say that any celebrity with an Oscar nomination may look at our stuff just for the asking. They don't have to be a winner. Just have been nominated. They can have a cookie too.

So, in conclusion, be there. High noon.

Copyright 2022 David Spragg