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The Chip Board Archive 18

ccgtcc slabFREE Only 81, so don't be the one vbg

Who misses out on attending the 16th annual ccgtcc Convention. As my good friend "SHOOP" says, you won't regret it. Hope to see you there. "MR SPLASHBAR" WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

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ccgtcc slabFREE Only 81, so don't be the one vbg
Remember the key words here! vbg
Okay Brian..
Have him adjust it by 'x' to make you feel better,
Yep...been 21 for years! grin
rofl Only if I get a Pink Vest!! rofl
They only come in girly sizes! grin
And It Fit Mike Fine vbg
Hey Barry, don't be jealous...

Copyright 2022 David Spragg