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The Chip Board Archive 18

Searchlight speed traps for sure.

But I did ok. Back in my earlier chip days, 1980's, I'd take off and go chip hunting in Nevada for a week every summer. I seem to gather my speeding tickets in bunches and I already had two just before one chip run. The highways of Nevada are pretty nice and I was rolling along at 80mph behind another pickup just north of Searchlight planning to pass at some point. On a long curve just out of town a line of cars heading south passed us and the last one was a sheriff. I watched as he turned around and came after us. He passed me and pointed to the side of the road. After he dealt with the other pickup he got back to me...
Sheriff - Going kinda fast huh?
Me - Yes about 75 and I knew he knew I was lying. grin
Sheriff - Where are you headed?
Me - I'm on a chip run and hope to make Fallon tonight.
Sheriff - You can make Fallon at 65 you know and it'd be safer. At this point he spit out some smokeless and I went into my twang.
Me - Welllll your roads are so good I just kinda got going and wasn't watching.
Sheriff - Do you have any moving violations?
Me - Yup, two, both speeding: a 45 in a 35 zone and an 80 coming out of San Diego on I-15 just to keep up with the other traffic.
Sheriff - Well another speeding ticket would flatten your wallet so I'll tell you what we'll do. I'll give you a $75 ticket for driving without a seatbelt and you make Fallon at 65.
Me - Where do I sign. vbg

Messages In This Thread

Any interest in taking a bus tour to Laughlin?
If you drive to Laughlin, WATCH OUT
Re: If you drive to Laughlin, WATCH OUT
Searchlight speed traps for sure.
They have radar that works even if you are going

Copyright 2022 David Spragg