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The Chip Board Archive 18

Re: No, not missing the point.........

There is an old expression in hold'em (it was called two down and five up when I started to play the game) If you don't' make the first mistake (by selecting your two starting cards) you can not make all the mistakes that will follow. AK is a hand I'll very rarely raise with (depending upon position). It is really no better than any other two starting cards. Now that said........I will relate a little story.

Years ago Benny Binion was taking it in the shorts on a specific crap table. He did every thing to change the luck. The crap shooters were taking his joint to the cleaners. Finally, he hired several gaming experts who analyzed the table, the dice used, etc. They came up with the following advise. Close the table or ride it out. Binion was furious........but he thought about it and understood!

That is the advice I give to you......quit playing or ride it out. There are no other solutions. grin

Messages In This Thread

AK again...WARNING...Bad Beat
What is wrong with you Armstrong you are
Re: What is wrong with you Armstrong you are
Re: AK again...WARNING...Bad Beat
Ross-How about this hand I just played ??
Re: Ross-How about this hand I just played ??
I understand that Ross
Re: It Never Happened To Me grin
Re: Jimbo Never Happened To Me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I know the feeling....
Re: AK again...WARNING...Bad Beat
Some of you are missing the point
Re: No, not missing the point.........

Copyright 2022 David Spragg