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The Chip Board Archive 18

The Newest CC>CC member intro

Greetings Chipboard members,

I recieved my membership card in the mail today and thought it would be a good time to make a formal introduction.

My name is Dan, and I am a chip addict. I live in Canada and caught this sickness during a stint as a blackjack and poker dealer at one of the casinos in Edmonton. It got worse once I found chiptalk and now the CC>CC. I don't have a specific collection goal at this point, but have no doubt one will surface with time. I have only posted here once or twice but expect it will be a bit more frequent in the future. I would like to thank Jim Follis, Terry Shaffer, Bruce Allen and some of the other members who I have dealt with so far for being really helpful thus far.

If anyone has interest in chips from Alberta casinos (especially Edmonton and Northern Alberta) I guess I will be a new source. I hope that I will get a chance to make trades with some of you in the near future.

R-7764 (I guess there are only 13 to go to hit R-7777)

Messages In This Thread

The Newest CC>CC member intro
Welcome to the club
Re: Welcome to the club
Excellent ! Welcome aboard !!!!
Welcome Dan- have fun! grin
Re: The Newest CC>CC member intro
countdown to 7777 and welcome dan....
Welcome Dan
Welcome Dan
Re: Welcome Dan
Dan, Welcome Aboard!!
vbg Your 1st Offical "WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO & vbg
Welcome from CO, Have fun!!!!
Welcome-Enjoy The Ride
Welcome Dan!
Welcome Dan!
grin Welcome, Dan...
Welcome to the only club I ever joined...

Copyright 2022 David Spragg