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The Chip Board Archive 18

New Sellers on eBay must offer PayPal orEquivalent
In Response To: Re: buyer requirements ()

Do you know that while old-time sellers on eBay can accept only checks and money orders, NEW SELLERS on eBay must offer PayPal or merchant credit card payment methods?


Here is what they say:

What is the Safe Payment Requirement for New Sellers and what does eBay consider to be a safe payment method?
eBay will require new sellers offering items in most categories to buyers in the U.S. and Canada to provide at least one safe payment method. Safe payment methods include PayPal or a Merchant Credit Card. These safe payment methods must be included as an available payment method on their listings. New sellers may also include any of the other accepted payment methods on their listings. (See the Accepted Payments Policy for more details on accepted payments.)

eBay strongly encourages sellers to offer payments through PayPal – PayPal is not only convenient to use, but it also offers buyers and sellers industry-leading protection against fraud, chargebacks, and theft of financial data. Merchants with their own Merchant Credit Card processing account, and those who use a third-party credit card processor, may offer their buyers the option of paying directly with a credit card online (including through third party checkout) or by phone in addition to or instead of PayPal.

Who is affected by the Safe Payment Requirement for New Sellers and when will this requirement go into effect?
All members registered on or after January 17, 2007 who wish to list items will be affected by this requirement. Certain categories where these payment methods often are not practical, such as Motor Vehicles and Mature Audiences, will be exempted.


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buyer requirements
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New Sellers on eBay must offer PayPal orEquivalent
Re: New Sellers on eBay must offer PayPal orEquiva

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