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The Chip Board Archive 18

Re: To Jerry
In Response To: Re: To Jerry ()

"Increasing the room buy rate on the backs of members who don't need a room.....I am flabbergasted that you and the other BOD's think that is acceptable."

Jerry, I'm not sure where that came from, but you're right... that is an absurd concept, and something the board never even considered. We want everyone to be comfortable with any decision they make in buying a room for the convention, and that has been expressed many times on the Club board. The only thing we wanted to come up with was an appropriate incentive to buy rooms at the Riviera during the convention, and we have clearly done that.

"You and the BOD's have come to the conclusion that there is only 1 solution. I disagree. There are/were alternatives, and to be fair, I objected about this specific issue in emails to Doug the second I heard about it. I offered up suggestions. My impression was the BOD decided this was going to get done. Period."

Yes... that's what we get paid the big bucks for, Jerry. We had to come up with the BEST solution and all of us feel that we did. I don't know how you could expect a different scenario from the Board of Directors. Again, we considered MANY, MANY solutions discussed them all. We never expected (and we never will expect) to please ALL members of the club (note Doug's great example he posted earlier today on the Club board), but we had to make a decision based on what would be best for the membership in general, factoring in future conventions.

I really don't know why you are feeling so victimized here... everyone else seems to understand the need for the decision and the form of the incentive.

Messages In This Thread

To The Club BOD's/Jay
Very well said...
Re: Huh???
To Jerry
Re: To Jerry
Re: To Jerry
Re: To Jerry
Re: To Jerry
I could be wrong, but the way I see it....
John, I have to disagree with you on this one.
No problem... grin

Copyright 2022 David Spragg