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The Chip Board Archive 18

vbg New member card arrived....R-7749 Looking..

forward to meeting all of you at the convention. I am planning on making it down there even if I can only squeeze in one day. I have already enjoyed reading and participating on this board. Even the little squabbles are a fun break from my contentious job. With that said....might as well lay it all out there right now.

I clean almost all of my chips!
Sometimes, I mail chips in a plain white envelope! (actually did a shipping time test)
I am a Republican who needs to have a working relationship with Senator Reid!
Never have bought a lottery ticket, but love to play poker!
Not much intrest in NASCAR, but do like to drive fast!
Have only recently been able to part with "one only" chips to streamline my collection!
Freedom of speech dosen't mean ability to delete or take it back!
Ebay and Paypal have evolved into a monopolistic corporate money machine!
Chip collectors are the smaartest pepole in the world!

Even though I may seem like another pain in the a&&, I am very easy to get along with and can always find a solution with a positive twist. My wife of 19 years can vouch for that.(but only if she is in a good mood!!) Would like to thank Greg Susong for this web site and Archie Black for getting me to join!.......Doug

Messages In This Thread

vbg New member card arrived....R-7749 Looking..
Welcome Doug! grin
Welcome Aboard
Welcome Doug-Enjoy The Ride
Welcome Doug.
Re: Welcome Doug.
Now wasn't that a nice post! grin
Welcome Doug grin
Welcome Doug grin
Are you doing a Rudy Giuliani ?
rofl Doug, Welcome & your 1st WOOOOOOOOOOOOO &
Re: vbg New member card arrived....R-7749 Lookin
WOW R-7749 how time goes by !! Welcome
Nice Work, what do you collect?
Thanks for the welcome's.....Poker info needed!
Very Cool Doug!

Copyright 2022 David Spragg