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The Chip Board Archive 18

UV variation for N2220; Stardust $5 BJ CIC...

This past weekend my brother brought me a baggie of chips he had from some past casino visits. Included were 6 Stardust $5 CIC chips. While looking at them for possible differences I saw that two of them were the "resort" version (V2895) with 6-SUITS and the other four were the earlier, DIE4SUIT version. Under closer examination I noticed that two of the chips had a rounded edge appearance, and the other two had square edges, but this difference was not a function of wear and instead looked to be more of a manufacturing difference in the material (plastic) used to make the chips. Although this difference is rather subtle, and really shows up better when you have a stack of chips with a mixture of both types, it turns out that the difference is readily discernible under a black light (UV).

The difference shown under a black light is that the white inserts and mold patterns are not as bright in the rounded edge versions and the red base color of the chip shows black. On the other chip (square edges) the white is brighter and the red remains red. I suspect that the two different versions are based on a re-order and that the rounded edge version pre-dates the sharp edge versions.

I have also noticed this rounded edge vs. square edge difference in the $1, Colorado Belle, BJ CIC chips, but they do not readily show a UV difference.

Jim Follis

Copyright 2022 David Spragg