I rarely get involved in these kinds of conversations but in this case I need to put in my 2 cents! If you have ever run a business, I have run several there is a thing called, "the cost of doing business." If you continuously try to pass on these intermediate costs, i.e., EBAY, PAYPAL, you are only doing a disservice to the concept of running a business. You set your fees, you check out what you will be charged for your items to sell, you raise your price, adjust your goals but you don't blame the marketplace for your need to rip off a buyer! I do not buy from people who want to pass on the PAYPAL fees to me, I know they are there, raise your price! I do not buy from people who have HIGH shipping costs. I know why they are so high! Don't sell, don't buy, if you can't be fair in what you charge and in what you expect to get paid! Doc, he is ripping you off! PERIOD!