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The Chip Board Archive 18

vbg Convention Hall Costs Coverage

Here’s a proposal for covering the costs of the Convention Hall by the membership.

Now before you start getting all huffy and puffy, please read on.

We have made 2 assumptions, 1st that there are 3,000 current members (includes life, regular and associate members) and 2nd the club needs the convention hall for 4 days (Wednesday for dealer setup and then 3 days for the actual convention).

If the casino’s fee for the convention hall is $10,000 per day or $40,000 for the 4 days and we divide that by the membership the costs per member would be $13.34 each – a cheap price to pay to insure a convention.

Gosh, $13.34 total per each member is not much when you look at how each member could save that $13.34. If you are a smoker then not smoking 1 cigarette every 4 days or 90 cigarettes a year (4 1/2 packs) you would save $13.50 at $3.00 per pack. Or if a couple who eats breakfast out 1 day a week and you skipped only 1 time per year you would save over $14.00. And by not driving out to buy those cigarettes or eating out or simply combining shopping you could save at least $13.50 at $3.00 per gallon. Think about it.

A bonus benefit (savings) for each member would be the elimination of pre-registration and entry fees as all life, regular and associate members would get free entry into the convention – only non-members would pay to enter. By eliminating pre-registration this would save additional money as the pre-registration room would not be required and the volunteers would be able to help out elsewhere.

For us, even if we were not able to attend the convention just knowing that it is there for us is meaningful.

Copyright 2022 David Spragg