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The Chip Board Archive 18

for trade for sale Set of the Day for sale for trade

Hi Everyone;
Ok, picture this; it is hotter than Hades, somewhere in the middle of Oregon where the people say things like you can't get there from here, or it is just behind that mountain, and/or I think it is in Washington...any way after 6 arguments, discussions or fights with my bride to be, we ended up in the Winchester house of Indian casinos....(you have to take an elevator up to the second floor walk through even more slots, and take another elevator or staircase down again to get something to eat)...beautiful building made out of large logs and stone...I am not sure which was the hardest to find Kah Nee Ta or Lucky Bear...the Kah Nee Ta set goes for $10 only two sets available. #5117 R 7369 CL is set on pictures in a long list right now. Thanks Reggie

Copyright 2022 David Spragg