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The Chip Board Archive 17

Public forum - Are You Sure?
In Response To: since this is a Public forum ()

Seems to me that The Chipboard has always been what the community that uses it wants it to be. You actually think we must accommodate posters whose sole intent is to disrupt the community by being disrespectful and discourteous? In a hobby and club that values ethhics, the members or anyone else should tolorate dishonesty, not only in content of posts but usernames as well. Frankly, that doesn't sound like the rest of us Dave. The www is a big place, if you look under enough rocks, perhaps you'll find a place you like better.

Messages In This Thread

To Tom Bondi.......
Dennis...just do what most here do...
Thanks Steve! your right BUT......
But ,,,, U can't ignore me! FuzzleS
Dennis, I am sure you remember when Tom lied to
Nice framed display Doug....
Thanks Bob, an interesting night in Vegas to say
Re: Nice framed display Doug....
I only got comped $1,000 seats and was lucky to
fairly easy to guess Doug!
Norm GET a ALARM system! The END. PEACE
A BIG difference between lying and joking!
Actually someone who says something that is untrue
U will reply again! The building fund is a lie.
For those new to the board ...
How is Chuck Tomarchio?
I am alive and well; thanks for asking! vbg
Must have missed it
Great thread Steve, and only one concerning the
Oh! Please! Lighten uP!
You are a sick person!!
Re: Oh! Please! Lighten uP!
Worry about yourself.
Re: Oh! Please! Lighten uP!
John, In case you missed the posts made yesterday
Not for nothing Tom get a life u need it..........
CAN we mutually Vote to remove a member we feel
Simply because we agree that he's an IDIOT
Steve move here BUY my house vbg
Re: Simply because we agree that he's an IDIOT
since this is a Public forum
Public forum - Are You Sure?
Re: Public forum - Are You Sure?
It's a private forum
I agree with you mark !!!

Copyright 2022 David Spragg