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The Chip Board Archive 17

Re: Are you sure these are all the same series, Ro

I have a few inlaid chips with different looking monogram styles on the front and back. A few have the same style front and back, but the G/S, J/R and B/W seem to be different. At the factory, did they just grab what ever style was plentiful and put them together, not caring about keeping styles together, or is each of these a special order. It poses more questions than gives answers.

Messages In This Thread

wanted some missing inlaid monograms -- POB series
Re: wanted some missing inlaid monograms: POD series
Don't need any from the POA series.
Re: wanted some missing inlaid monograms: POD series
Are you sure these are all the same series, Robert
Re: Are you sure these are all the same series, Ro
Re: Are you sure these are all the same series, Ro
Replies to all posts here -- just got up.
for sale Spell your name in inlaid monogram chips

Copyright 2022 David Spragg