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The Chip Board Archive 17

Mark Cotton!

You need better PR, sir! ;)

I was looking for the initials of the owner of the Old Heidelberg Club in St Clair, MI (initials CAM for CA Mitchell)... I knew I saw it somewhere before, but I couldn't recall the site.

I was all over all kinds of chip sites, regular and illegals and I couldn't find the info that I knew was out there... Then, almost by dumb luck, I clicked on your link from Google and found what I needed.


(and for the rest out there who might need it, bookmark it now...

Messages In This Thread

Mark Cotton!
You should've checked the Yellow Pages grin
Also don't forget...
Re: Right...but
Re: Taylor Never Produced The..
Thanks for the hub info, Gene...
Thanks, Mark (again)

Copyright 2022 David Spragg