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The Chip Board Archive 17

He told me in the E-Mail that...
In Response To: Re: David ()

..."I thought I would share a picture of something I just bought. These are new, never been on the market."

That seems to not be the truth. mad From all accounts here & some E-Mails I have received, he did not just buy them, nor are those the only ones he had. And we all know that those chips are not new to the market.

Also, that you refreshed my memory, I was left a phone message about chips from an ex Hughes Exec like you said. I responded to the E-Mail address that was left, but never heard back from anyone. That was about a year ago. I guess some people figure they can lie about things & nobody will ever find out & put two & two together. sad Andy - Las Vegas

Messages In This Thread

The Horshoe $500 Arodie is gone .......
Nice chips for both of you .
rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl.
Here are a few more...
OHY MY whatta Jackpot Andy!
I have always wanted that 100 silver slipper Grea
Andy, who is...
Don't know, Todd
Re: Here are a few more...
Re: David
He told me in the E-Mail that...
It probably was nearer to a year ago,
Something to consider?
Gone to a very good home !!!! vbg
I guess that means........ vbg

Copyright 2022 David Spragg