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The Chip Board Archive 17

Hall of Shame (Idea)

In addition to collecting chips, tokens, coins, movie and TV props, G.I. Joe and vintage toys, I also collect autographs. The link below is to the Universal Autograph Collectors Club. What I'd like you to look at is the link to their Hall of Shame. Personally, and from past posts I've read here, I think this is a good idea.

I have web space that I pay for each month, but havn't used and I'm more than willing to create this type of page. That is if there is enough interest in me doing so. I would be very interested in hearing any pro's and con's y'all have in regards to the idea.

In addition, if the project does go through I would need some assistance from folks in reporting on things like eBay sellers and/or ccgtcc members who have been suspended or disbarred. I understand that this will in no way be an official club page, but just my take on a subject that alot of folks have a very vested interest in.

So, let's hear some chatter on the subject.


ccgtcc R-5986

Messages In This Thread

Hall of Shame (Idea)
Re: Hall of Shame (Idea)
Re: Hall of Shame (Idea)
Re: Hall of Shame (Idea)
Re: Hall of Shame (Idea)
Re: Hall of Shame (Idea)
Re: Hall of Shame (Idea)
Not Bad However I Will Go With My 1st Choice
Who was that?
Thanks Von
Only if you have a good lawyer grin
Re: Hall of Shame (Idea)
Re: Hall of Shame (Idea)
I vote :Nay"
Though I do not agree with your idea 100% ...

Copyright 2022 David Spragg