The Chip Board
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The Chip Board Archive 17

It's a trade simulator.

Basically, you put a coin in and try to beat the dealers hand (which you cant see until you hit the button and the window drops locking the rest of the draw cards). Underneath the handle is a window for the store owner to see what coin you put in so he can pay you if you win. The next coin is dropped and sweeps the last coin into a tray (genius). Each coin gets a gumball with a chance at money or trade items.

Messages In This Thread

check out my new toy!
the inside
Re: It's a blackjack machine?? Looks cool!
It's a trade simulator.
Maybe a trade stimulator?
oops typo. that's what I meant.
I would contact St Louis Slot Machine Co.
thanks will do.
COOL Matt.
Better test that for lead too

Copyright 2022 David Spragg