The Chip Board
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The Chip Board Archive 17

When the bidding reaches $150, I will add the

I will add the following.

Group of 10 special "Cigarman" classic logo chips. Most colors were produced in VERY small quantities of 5-12 chips so these are some Very Rare (If I can use that word) personals.

This brings the total up to 120 total chips in the auction.


Messages In This Thread

ccgtcc Museum Fund personal Chip auction - Come on Guys !!!
When the bidding reaches $100, I will add the
When the bidding reaches $150, I will add the
When the bidding reaches $200, I will add the
If we get over $250 I will have to scrounge.......
Add some more Doug. I gladly bid $100
Thanks Mitch, Check out the posts above....
Wow, already bid up to $250 so I guess the
i will throw in my dice clock....
Thanks Ron, I will update my post at the top of
Re: I Will Add a Pair of Playboy..
Re: Doug It Is Up To You..
Thanks Gene, VERY generous seeing that you already

Copyright 2022 David Spragg