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The Chip Board Archive 17

++NOT++ A Nevada Chip sad

I bought this chip about the second month I was collecting. I'd noticed that the Nevada Club name appeared on many interesting chips and I still find NC to be my primary focus. This chip was sold to me by Chris Burns whose eBay ID was Varoomx and I'm certain that he sold it to me as a Modesto CA. piece which is the proper attribution. $6. Thanks Chris! grin

Shoot, one of these puppies went to a Famous eBay Bidder last Sunday for $113.50! I'd put a "Watch" on it just to casually track a Nevada Club chip and didn't read the auction presentation at the time. I did note that the seller was claiming this as a Caliente NV. chip. Figured the seller was only ignorant of casino chips and just picked any largecrown orange Nevavda Club listed in the books for his auction. Everybody knows these chips are Modesto, am I right? vbg Pretty shocked to find the $113.50 final bid. sad Bidding war between the Famous eBay Bidder and two other folks I didn't recognise. Jung & Pfaender put this chip at $12-$20. $20! Egads!

Ah geez, it gets worse when you go back and read the auction and the uuuuuuuh,puffery, that goes along with the BOGUS attribution.

So for anyone that doesn't know about this chip, from T.R.King's lips to your ear... M O D E S T O . When these chips first appeared before I came aboard, they were sometimes represented as Nevada chips. That was wrong. Buy the guides before you buy the chips! C/W Official... lists the Caliente largecrown chips as "unique" and TCR adds that the the chips are stamped "PB" for Phil Bacarella. (Who?) Ask questions here about anything you want to know or even just pick out someone here who you might like and fire off an e-mail question to them. I do it. Chippers love sharing information. And you might save $107.50 vbg

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++NOT++ A Nevada Chip sad
Re: ++NOT++ A Nevada Chip sad

Copyright 2022 David Spragg