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The Chip Board Archive 17

49 Camp chips

Just got back from the chip show in Reno and caught a discussion on the 49 camp chips. I contend that these crest and seal type chips were made in 1915 for the Panama Pacific exposition in San Francisco. This was a celebration expo of the opening of the Panama Canal. I believe the US mint set up and struck two special 50.00 gold pieces for the expo. At any rate, in addition to the usual exhibitions, there was an area called the Zone, sort of a carnival area. One display was called the 49 camp, a replica of a '49er's mining camp in California. Included in the display was a saloon and gambling hall which was busted for conducting live to the Oakland california attribution in Eastman's book, there has never been legal cardroom gambling in Oakland, Ca, and an "illegal" room would have lasted about 3 hours.

Copyright 2022 David Spragg