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The Chip Board Archive 17

Re: Thanks Terry Shaffer!!!!
In Response To: Re: Thanks Terry Shaffer!!!! ()

what fields that are present already isn't very important, although there are many, and quite logically done. The thing to remember is that this db is set up with folder tab features, and is very, very logically done. has some great features. Take a look at my website for some views (but it hasn't been updated for the new version 7)

You have two scans on the main item page (tab)and up to 20 for the item. That is good if you want to make one item listing for sets such as the Barris HR set or a entire table of roulette chips. You would have up to 20 scans on the "pictures" tab, while the first two are displayed on the main item tab.

One other cool feature is that you can print out an entire (or part) inventory book with text and pictures , all under your complete control. You can actually produce a darned nice priceguide with it if you wanted to.

THE MOST IMPORTANT feature is that is completely (and easily) customizable! You can add, remove or modify fields with just a few mouse clicks.

I could go on, and on, and on about all of the things it can do and all of the reasons, but the best thing you can do is to listen to all of the experienced chippers that swear by it. It's taken us years and years to produce this database program with numerous upgrades and updates. Just the Mega chip scan cd I include free has taken me hundreds and hundreds (and hundreds) of hours with my scanner producing high quality, perfectly square chip scans. There are over 10,000 high quality scans on the cd, and I include it at no charge.

Then of course there is my tech support.

It is also set up with a preloaded database with chips and scans from Nevada, non nevada foreign, atlantic city, etc all there for you to copy and paste into your own collections, saving you lots of time. As well, it is a usefull reference.

Sure you can use the program you threw together. Sure it probably shows a nice little list of your chips. If that's all you need to make you a happy man, then this program might not be for you after all.

There is so much I could go on saying about the program....but again....just ask others and look at the website and the screen shots. Be aware though that we have improved some of the colors.

Messages In This Thread

Thanks Terry Shaffer!!!!
Re: Thanks Terry Shaffer!!!!
Re: Thanks Terry Shaffer!!!!
Re: Thanks Terry Shaffer!!!!
Re: Thanks Terry Shaffer!!!!
Re: Thanks Terry Shaffer!!!!
Re: Thanks Terry Shaffer!!!!
Here's a screen shot.....
Re: Thanks Jerry Weisenbacher!!!!

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