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The Chip Board Archive 17

National Debt NCR

I find it very odd that the Republicans love to depict the Democrats as the "tax and spend party" yet it is under the Republicans that the National Debt is approaching 10 trillion dollars while we borrow billions from China and have another banking scandal (sub prime loans) that surpasses the Savings and loan folly of years ago (another Republican mess). While we have a record number of billionaires and Corporations that are "cash cows" we have a middle class that is stagnating and millions without health coverage. This nations esteem in the eyes of the world is at an all time low. We are fast slipping to a third rate country just to satisfy a Texan playing cowboy. Bush is one kid that shouldn't play with guns, he has shot himself in the foot to many times. Say what you want, this is one American that is proud to be a Democrat.

Messages In This Thread

National Debt NCR
Re: National Debt NCR
Re: If I had to vote now, it would be Joe Biden
I Am Also Proud To Be A Democrat (Not News)
Re: National Debt NCR
Re: National Debt NCR
Re: National Debt NCR
Let's get Jimmy Carter back!!
He Knew how to handle Iran
Don't forget mortgage rates of 18%.
I got 17% on a Cd...but on had $2000 to my name
I couldn't buy my first house due to 18% mortgage.
You should have been buying Crest & Shields grin
I was never into heraldry.
Same here. I think FOX should drop him.
Not Geraldo, ....heraldry.
remember this photo
and this
If not the US, then which is the greatest nation?
We can all see it coming, China!!!
I am an Independent - blameless?
USA Another Independent here... USA
How much is a Billion?
I'm pretty sure it's alot.
Re: National Debt NCR

Copyright 2022 David Spragg