The Chip Board
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The Chip Board Archive 17

7 1/2 hours to get those guesses and pics in..

Whoopee...just got in(4:30 AM PDT) from a poker game and won $650 which means $65(10%) goes into the pig today. ALRIGHTY!!!
Get those guesses in by noon on how much Dawn Satter and I can save by June 4th 2008 in our giant? piggy banks. Starbucks ruined me today as did the purchase of a poker mag.That is $13.00 that I can't put into the bank.Tsk...tsk...tsk....this is not going to be so easy I think.
Welcome to the contest Tyrus!!
I am off to bed.Will fill everyone in on the prizes when I wake up later today.

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7 1/2 hours to get those guesses and pics in..
My Entry / the power of addiction vbg
Re: Frank

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