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The Chip Board Archive 17

Time for free Norton Antivirus

It's time again for the week of free Norton Antivirus at Fry's Electronics. This week only (Aug 22-30), you can buy Norton Antivirus 2007, 3-user version from Fry's and get a rebate of $50. Since it only costs $49.99, you actually get a penny back to apply to the postage to send in your rebate request.

If you don't have a local store, you can also purchase on Frys. com.

This gives you capability to add Antivirus protection to three different PC's you own. This is a better deal than paying to renew your update service each year, and you also get a fresh copy of the software with some added features. The update service with your package is good for 12 months from the date you first install the package on any of your computers, so don't wait for your old service to expire.

Messages In This Thread

Time for free Norton Antivirus
Don, is this an annual thing?
Re: Don, is this an annual thing?
anti virus

Copyright 2022 David Spragg