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The Chip Board Archive 17

stupid ebay auction......unlocked iphone

ok, who is keeping up w/ the most retarded auctions on Ebay. You missed one. I just read an article about this soon to be college student that has unlocked the iphone. He has a video on utube and his own blog to show how it is done. It isn't illegal so he will get into no trouble. He unlocked his second one and it is on Ebay. I know the bids are crazy and he will NEVER get paid but I'm sure it would sell for a few grand as the article stated. Some of these kids are just too smart for their own good LMAO!.

article on the kid who unlocked it.....

Ebay auction..... btw it went up 12 million since I wrote this post LMAO!!!

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stupid ebay auction......unlocked iphone
so what would be the fees on $500,000,000 LMAO!!
Every bid I looked at had prior transactions
Re: Every bid I looked at had prior transactions

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