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The Chip Board Archive 17

If any dealers will have multiple sets of these

i just showed these to some guys from work and i need a dealer that can get multiple sets of these. Several of the deputies where i work want a set and so does some guys from Duval S.O. too. So far i know i will need at least 5 sets and i think twice that will eventually want a set too. I will know exactally how many i need by tonight. IF any chip dealer can fill an order like this, please email me and ill get back to you when i get home from work sometime after midnight.

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best chips yet!!! AWESOME!!!
If any dealers will have multiple sets of these
I want those!
Now *THAT'S* a great set!
I was In the 57th EOD (US ARMY BOMB SQUAD)
got my set ready for me on friday vbg

Copyright 2022 David Spragg