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The Chip Board Archive 17

Looking for Venitian Blue Man Group $1

I'd like welcome and introduce the newest associate member of the club to the folks on the board. His name is Aidan Munro and he is my son.

He was with me at the convention and although he couldn't hang at the Splashbar, in about 14 years... he'll be leading the charge, so hold onto the banner. He had fun at the convention and was in awe of all of the chips that are out there. You can see in the picture that he is laughing at the web cam or something that Greg had said to him.

He's always been interested in my chip collection and has started his own. I have to say thanks to a couple of the dealers who had the bargian bins priced low so they fit into his budget and especially to Greg for the three personals (he still is talking about them) and Luke for helping with the flag collection of home chips he is starting and for CT for giving him his Life's Savings. He thinks those are the neatest things and was showing them to anyone who would hold still long enough to listen. I am sure the valet at the Riv was impressed.

He is looking for the current $1 Veneitan Blue Man Group chip for his collection and appearantly wants to use MY common traders in HIS deal.

If anyone has one for trade, and isn't looking for anything but a common LV current chip, please let me know and he'll swing you a deal. It will most likely be tomorrow when he gets on the computer to work the trade.

Many thanks!


Messages In This Thread

Looking for Venitian Blue Man Group $1
vbg Tom, check your Email vbg
If you haven't already been offered one,

Copyright 2022 David Spragg