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The Chip Board Archive 17

Re:Did he show you invoices?.....

or just bring the slip of paper you scanned? If he didnt want to talk at first and than you couldnt stop him.. Maybe he was just talking to talk or have his name thrown around? You talked to him. Do you beleive everything he said 100%? BTW I know you do a lot of work on all this too and Thank you!!!

Messages In This Thread

The 'low down' on Carl Osborne - part 1
Re: The 'low down' on Carl Osborne - part 1
No, he didnt say. He said it was just a 'general
Re:How does he remember how many he had made....
Re:How does he remember how many he had made....
Re:Did he show you invoices?.....
Re:Did he show you invoices?.....
ck your email - plz
Ely and A Legit Borland Too! grin
"Sure burned the Paulson's salesmans butt"
Re: The 'low down' on Carl Osborne - part 1
Yes, he explained that change to me exactly

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