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The Chip Board Archive 17

Non Convention find

Ok, I've been trying to get my grubby little paws on this chip for nearly 3yrs. I've only seen it come up on eBay a couple of times, and each time I missed out. I thought for sure I'd find one at the convention. I found my prized Pussycat a Go-Go chip at my 1st Atlantic City meeting a few years ago, and I guess I thought my 1st timers luck would still be holding out...

But, no.

I went from table to table, 1st looking on my own, then asking. I was reffered to C.T, Spinetti's, Deems and Saito. I described the chip, I mimed it and acted it out (no, not really grin), but alas my quest was for naught.

Just before the convention I found one in a Buy it Now auction on eBay. But I waited see what I would find in Vegas. As soon as I got home I refreshed My Ebay and found it still available. It just arrived in the mail today!

Now i'm after the 1st and 2nd ed. $25's, the 4th ed. $25 and $100.

ccgtcc R-5986

Messages In This Thread

Non Convention find
Great job Mike.Sweet Chip!
vbg Nice One vbg
Those are great scans, Brian
vbg Thanks Mike. Epson 4490 Photo Scanner

Copyright 2022 David Spragg