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The Chip Board Archive 17

Re: One more comment about David Moore's post...

If LE's work for you, that is great. It' still boils down to what you want to collect and The $$$ you want to spend. I totaly agree the cost of LE's in general can be cheaper then older casino chips and easier to find. Just watch this board. It would seem many are willing to part with them at cost or near cost rather then spend the time (which is $$$) to return them to the cage. Will collecting LE's make you rich. Probably not, but you never know. I prefer NCV HS chips, $25 non Chipco style chips, Paulson metal inserts, Borlands, and a few choice chips, when the $$$ are right. I try to use my $$$ wisely, with a portion of the purchases being an investment. This is easier with the older stuff (in my opinion) then with the newer, but one must still do their homework. A $400 old chip can become a $75 chip overnight due to a find of some of them. Bad Rumors tend to hurt the LE'S. A clasic example was one member telling others to buy the PUMA chip, because it was going to be worth $2000. Many paid over $100 for the chip, that the last time I knew was selling for $7.00. With Le's you pretty much know what is available. There is little doubt, it's a good time to be an LE collector and hanging around this board, if one is willing to wait for a deal. If I was an LE collector, I'd be grin

Messages In This Thread

In defense of LE's...
You Are Missing THe Whole Point.....
Re: In defense of LE's...
Re: In defense of LE's...
Re: In defense of LE's...
Re: In defense of LE's...
Very nice post, Tyrus! grin And I...
One more comment about David Moore's post...
Re: One more comment about David Moore's post...
Re: One more comment about David Moore's post...
Actually.....I was one of those dealers....
Re: Actually.....I was one of those dealers....
Re: A note on my earlier post
Re: Very nice post, Tyrus! grin And I...
Amen Tyrus...
Re: In defense of LE's...
grin Nice post, path was a bit different
This whole thread has been...
In defense of MY chips grin !......
Re: Dawn.....
Okay, okay...
Re: Craig.....

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