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The Chip Board Archive 17


....Will shortly be flying me back to Las Vegas for our highly anticipated, whoo hoo/good time annual convention. I really didn't want to go, I prefer to just stay home and work hard. There's just way too much fun at these conventions...far to much enjoyment. Too many chips and cool casino stuff and then all of those crazy chippers everywhere yuckin it up all the time. Yeah, I'd rather stay here in beautiful Toledo, OH where I can revel in the 94 percent humidity and 95 degree days of August.

But alas, I'm forced to go yet again this year. It really stinks (insert heavy sigh here).

Ok.....just 30 minutes before I have to toss my chips in the trunk and drive to the airport. Time for one more cup of coffee and last quick play time with my dog Zeke.

Messages In This Thread

Safe flight Terry,
Hey Terry
Re: Hey Terry

Copyright 2022 David Spragg