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The Chip Board Archive 17

An Idea for next years Convention - What do Yall


After reading a story about a fellow poker player from Houston who nearly missed this years WSOP because he had fallen on hard times I got to thinking. The story is that Ray Henson (A very good friend of someone that works for me) was going to pass on playing in this years main event because his mother had taken ill and he could not scrape together the money to play. Word got around and several of his friends who were also poker players got together and made his buy in for the tournament. He ended up finishing with his best ever event (12th place).

What does this have to do with chipping?????

Well it got me thinking, if poker players can pull together to help out other poker players, why not the same with us chippers?????

To me, the yearly convention is one of the greatest experiences in the world. Ever since I became a member of this club, I wouldn't dream about missing it. Fourtunately, I am finantially stable so the costs never come into play for me.

However this is not the case for everyone. many of our friends and fellow chippers run into some bad luck over the years and are not as fortunate.

What do you guys and gals think of developing a Chipboard "Chippers Helping Chippers" fund? We could raise money during the year thru donations and chip auctions. Then each year we can send a chipper or two in finantial need to the convention.

Maybe we could provide the room, possibly airefare, and maybe even some script for the show floor.

I havent quite figured out all the details, as there would need to be a committee who can decide who the benefits should go to, what to pay for and how much to each person. However I personally like the idea and would love to help those less fortunate experience the convention as so many of us do without worry.

Now like most of my great ideas, I came up with it too late for this years convention. However planning for next your will allow a full 11 months of fundraising.

Lets hear what you guys think and any comments either for or against will be welcome.

Take care and see you guys at the convention,.

Messages In This Thread

An Idea for next years Convention - What do Yall
OK, Over 50+ views and no comments at all ????????
Re: OK, Over 50+ views and no comments at all ????
I agree with Jim K.
I think the club has way too much other stuff to
Re: I think the club has way too much other stuff
Point well taken. Hey isnt it 2:00 Am in Jersey ?
Yes, it is 2 a.m. in NJ ... but
I sent 'cha an email ...
I understand the spirit....
I'm always broke but....Canada does not have lines
Canada does not have lines
Re: Canada DOES have lines
Re: Canada DOES have lines
Grand Bend??
Re: Grand Bend??
Re: Grand Bend??
Re: An Idea for next years Convention - What do Ya
Re: An Idea for next years Convention - What do Ya
Re: An Idea for next years Convention - What do Ya
Doug, please see my email to you
What about a raffle?
Good thought Rose. I am thinking maybe a Building Fund
I still have so much to learn...

Copyright 2022 David Spragg