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The Chip Board Archive 17

The Landing...
In Response To: Hi from St Louis () a very cool area. About 20 years ago, me and three friends went into a small jazz joint there. 10 minutes after we sat down, Michael Spinks sat down at the table right next to us! One of my friends (Charlie Shootman), when we figured out who Michael was, told us he was gonna knock him out! rofl

Charlie didn't actually try to knock Michael out, but it was funny when he said he would when the guy was sitting right next to him! grin

That young, talented boxer had the most incredible appetite I've ever seen! He ate a whole chicken, a plate full of oysters. and two more full plates of food while we were sitting there. It was amazing! I've never seen anyone eat that much.... I've seen some very large people shovel it down, but none could have kept up with Mr. Spinks! grin

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Hi from St Louis
Von, quite an honor! Jim
The Landing...
Can't wait to see the pictures ! grin
Great Honor Von, Stand Proud
Free Shuttle
Re: Congrats to Mrs. Sandy McKenzie!

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