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The Chip Board Archive 17

for trade $1 Chicago Charitable Games $5 for sale

Here are the $1 and $5 chips used at the floating poker game run by Chicago Charitable Games:

They're made of a heavy plastic and the mold is incused with the legend "LAS VEGAS * NEVADA, USA *". The center image seems to be a southern view of the Strip. Don't know what CPS is supposed to stand for (Chicago Poker...Society?), but CS-60 is some kind of Illinois state code for a charitable casino (Rockford Charitable Games chips have the same code).

I came home with a few of these: I'll trade the $1 chips, or sell the set for $10 postpaid. Send me an email if you're interested!

(There's also a green $25, but I didn't take any.)



Copyright 2022 David Spragg